Housing Supply Assessment in Afghanistan
World Bank-funded project, the general purpose of the assignment was to carry out an assessment of housing supply in Afghanistan, identify knowledge gaps, assess measures already adopted, propose measures needed, develop affordable housing policy, implementation strategy for affordable housing policy and contribute to drafting the National Housing Policy and its implementation strategy for Afghanistan.
The work consisted of a series of analytical notes with detailed analysis on selected supply-side topics. An Action Plan (AP) note was prepared to summarize the key lessons from each of the topics and propose a series of recommendations and action plans guiding the formation of the National Housing Policy and its implementation strategy. The AP took stock of key issues, parallel activities, and reforms and articulated an action plan for implementing various activities and reforms in the sector. Policy notes required additional primary data collection (such as sample surveys, focus groups, roundtable discussions, and other methods). A Steering Committee consisting of members from relevant Ministries (including Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, ARAZI, IDLG, Ministry of Justice and others) was convened to provide comments to draft versions and to discuss the findings of the reports and provide guidance and coordination support for aligning recommendations with policy.
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